Sunday, July 21, 2013


Because at Lollylights  we sell solar fairy lights we tried many different suppliers testing out their different versions of the fairy lights until we found a great product and supplier. Many that we tried originally fell apart and had thin string which broke or maybe it was the birds picking at it.  At Lollyights we do our research  because we don't want to sell  bad products. 
Lollylights solar fairy lights l have a thick plastic string and are waterproof and heat proof.
I have had mine now for tow years and they are still going strong.

In summer, at Lollylights we are a bit like our fairy lights, we light up at night. Well warm summer evenings are not to be missed out there in the garden, balcony, forest, near the pool or on a beach. It's so amazing to take your fairy lights to the beach, just push the stick into sand and wait for dusk, and you are going to have the coolest party on the beach for sure.
You can also use Lollylights stick lights too in the same way. 

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